Grand Palais Paris

01 the painter verena von lichtenberg and the exhibition lumiere australe in paris grand palais The Painter Verena von Lichtenebrg,

her new exhibition ''Lumière Australe''

Art en Capital and Grand Palais in Paris

02 the painter verena von lichtenberg and her new art exhibition lumiere australe grand palais paris
















03 2   04 6    06 2   05 2


07 the painter verena von lichtenberg and han yuchen in paris the art exhibition art en capital grand palais art en capital au grand palais















HAN Yuchen from China and the Verena von Lichtenberg.


08 5   09 5    10 6   16a 2



12c lumiere autrale the art exhibition and the painter verena von lichtenberg


















13 5   14 2    15 verena von lichtenberg the painter and her exhibition in paris grand palais and art en capital   11 the exhibition lumiere australe and the grand palais in paris the painter verena von lichtenberg is in paris


19 robert cadalbert the president of casqy the painter verena von lichtenberg and jean pierre pluyaud the vice president casqy

Robert Cadalbert Président de la communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the painter Verena von Lichtenberg and Jean-Pierre Pluyaud vice-président de la communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.


 22 jacques kichinevsky and the painter verena von lichtenberg  17 2  18 2


23 verena von lichtenberg in paris and claude larrive the exhibition art en capital au grand palais















The Painter Verena von Lichetnebrg and Claude Larrivé.


28 2  31 celia huet verena von lichtenberg artiste peintre and paule pariente the art exhibition lumiere australe in art en capital grand palais paris  32 djamel zemoura and the exhibition lumiere autrale in paris grand palais


27a dominique chapelle remi lafont and verena von lichtenberg the exhibition lumiere australe is in paris grand palais















Dominique Chapelle, Rémi Lafont and Verena von Lichtenberg.


24 2   26 2  25 2


36 verena von lichtenberg the art painter and the exhibition lumiere australe 1

















                                                                 38 verena von lichtenberg die kunstlerin ist in paris mit ihren neue bildern wercken une gemalden eine ausstellung im grand palais 1